Save the Planet

I went to one of the local lakes in my town with a friend of mine. We had an amazing time even though I am not really fond of swimming (especially in lakes).

As we were swimming, however, we noticed something around us.


The litter at the lake wasn’t a bad as some of the pictures I’ve seen of some, but it all starts with one piece.

People littering is one of the things that irritate me the most. My friend, Tawnie, and I decided to pick up all the trash in the water we could find. We even swam pretty deep to get reach a bottle. We also picked up a lot of paper on the way to the trashcan.

It’s insane how much litter is on the ground EVERYWHERE.

With that being said, I have a challenge for you.

When you walk by a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away.

Also, throw away your piece of gum in a trashcan instead of throwing it on the ground. A bird can eat it and die from it by choking.

Let’s come together and save the planet. We have to live on it for many years to come.

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