Goals for June 2018


Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I have posted anything! Oops! School has been so hectic and I got lazy, but here I am again. I can’t believe it’s already June. To try and get my things a bit more organized, I wrote done some things that I want to do in June!

1. Write part 1 for “Flower Shop Girl”

I’ve started writing a book (one of many that I’ve started, lol) and I’m kind of excited for this. There’s probably not going to be too many parts, but I think it’ll still be cute. I’ll have it on my Tumblr so I’ll link my Tumblr profile at the bottom!

2. Give friend driving lessons

One of my friends is 19 and she doesn’t know how to drive so I told her that I’d teach her.

3. Start YouTube videos again!

I’ve been severely neglecting my YouTube channel. I’ll hoping be shooting a video today though! I’ll leave my personal channel and my joint account I have with my best friend at the bottom.

4. Get sea shells from Shell Island

In a few weeks I’m going to the beach with my dad, stepmom, and little brother! I love sea shells. 🙂

5. Catch ’em all – Pokemon Go

When this first came out I played it A LOT, but after a while everyone pretty much stopped. My guy best friend and I just recently started playing a lot again.

6. Tan

I feel better when I’m tan than when I’m white as a ghost. I’m happy with how my progress with it has been.

7. Read at least 2 books

I used to read all the time, but so much goes on that I don’t make myself have time for it. I’m about halfway done with one book though so I know I’ll be about to read another one before June is over with.

8. Be healthy

I’m going to try to start drinking a lot more water (I’ve already pretty much cut out sodas). I’m also going to start running again and cleaning my face more.



Personal YouTube

Coffee Talk with Kendyll and Kelli



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