6 Struggles of College Life

Hello everyone! College is such a struggle. Period. While I am procrastinating my homework, I decided that I would write about some of the struggles of being a college student.

1. 8 a.m. Classes

These are the worst! I am such a zombie in these classes that I honestly don’t know how I pass those classes. But then again – I would rather have these classes than a late class. I say NO to classes after 3 p.m.

2. Lectures

Being in a lecture hall is so boring and with my short attention span I am always drifting off to a world not in that classroom.

3. Food

Honestly the food kind of sucks. There are very few things that I’ll eat in the cafeteria and that’s pizza and fries. Our pizza is usually good, but our seasoned fries is ALWAYS good.

4. Sharing a Dorm

Sharing a dorm isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’m in one of those cheap dorms so I don’t have my own room or bathroom. I’m a deep sleeper so I don’t hear my roommate if she’s loud or comes in late. There are still some struggles though. Sometimes she might have her TV to loud or her snores might be aggravating everyone once in a while. Another struggle is that it seems as soon as I need to use the bathroom, it seems that my suite mate needs to go to so that gets very agitating.

5. Frat Parties

In the movies, they seem like sooo much fun. Which I mean, they are fun. If you’re drunk. If you’re not, they’re the lamest thing ever.

6. Time

Time is a big struggle! There is so much that I want to do and it’s extremely hard to fit it into 24 hours. I have to go to classes, do homework, eat, shower and sleep. Then there’s the things that I want to do like have a social life, watch Netflix, take a walk, workout, do yoga, and so much more. I wish I had more time.

These are just some of the things that make up struggles of college life. My best friend and I actually did a YouTube video on a lot of those things so if you want to, please check it out!

 Coffee Talk with Kendyll and Kelli

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