A Book I Love

Having to choose just ONE book I love was really hard. I really love to read. The book that has really stuck with me that has a lot of meaning is Beastly by Alex Flinn.


I love the big message of how it’s not the outside that matters in a person but it’s the inside that should. There are way too many people in this world that are only with guys because they’re so “hot” and “popular.” While these guys would also be the biggest jerks.

So a word of advice: I understand that you need to be somewhat attracted to the guy to want to date him. I get that looks do matter to an extent. Just don’t stop at the looks. Look at the guy’s (or girl’s) personality too. How are they like? Are they kind? Are they big-headed? These kind of things matter. Don’t just settle. You deserve more than that.


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