10 Things I Love About Fall

Hello lovlies, cool weather has come upon us and as my first (technically second though) post, I wanted to share some things that I love about this season!

1. Pumpkins

  • I think my love for pumpkins started when I was little and watching Cinderella. That has always been my favorite princess movie and I’ve kind of associated pumpkins with it. I also love carving pumpkins (though I’ve only done it twice.) And let’s not forget about pumpkin spice lattes! Yum!

2. Hot Chocolate

  • Honestly, hot chocolate is good all around but especially during the fall. The mixture of the cooling weather and the holidays throughout the fall season just calls for some hot chocolate!

3. Halloween

  • It’s probably one of my favorite holidays. I love to watch Tim Burton movies during this time. Also, just giving out candy to trick-or-treaters makes me really happy too.

4. Cuddles

  • Normally I just like cuddling animals but during the colder months I tend to want to cuddle humans too. (Weird, I know.)

5. Bonfires

  • I love being around a bonfire with friends just talking and roasting marshmallows.

6. Football

  • I don’t thank my ex for much but I do thank him for getting me interested in football.

7. The changing of the leaves

  • The colors of the leaves changing is probably the best part! I just look in awe at the colors.

8. Thanksgiving food

  • My family’s food is seriously the best! We pretty much have a huge family reunion (with a lot of family friends too.)

9. Putting up the Christmas tree

  • I love decorating the Christmas tree. As soon as Thanksgiving is over, I get out the tree!

10. Christmas music

  • I love getting in the Christmas spirit and music is the way to do it. My favorite song is All I Want For Christmas is You.


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